WTC Barcelona Muelle de Barcelona, Edificio Sur, 2ª planta. 08039, Barcelona
+34 685 411 925

Etiqueta: yacht


The third step; once the #yacht is in its #cradle and the hull is clean, is the construction of the #scaffolding. As always, time is limited and a lot is demanded of the team in charge, who very often have to fight against the elements.

To secure the yacht

The second step is to #secure the #yacht in the #cradles where it will be located during the time stipulated for the development of the #refit and quickly proceed to the #cleaning of the hull with pressurised water.

The travel lift slings

The first, and very delicate, step is to proceed with the haul out of the #yacht to be #refitted. It is always a tense moment when the yacht begins to ascend with the travel lift #slings tightened, and it is essential that the slings are positioned correctly to avoid damage to the hull and sides…
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Yacht’s Painting

In an initial process of a refit and especially if we are talking about painting the yacht (that is the hull and superstructure), it is very important to make a prior inspection of the state of the paint, especially the topcoat which is the last layer applied and the one that suffers all the damages…
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